Amen! :) haha. I am told that i have a very thick southern "accent" or as I like to say, twang. I was born into an Appalachian family in the foothills of the Smokies. So yeah, I shouldnt talk any other way. [supposively i say "Bless" alot which is a southern term ha]. For amusement purposes, here's a lil bit of Southern for ya.
A good attitude is like Kudzu - it spreads.
Wild as a peach orchard hog.
So buck toothed he could eat corn-on-the-cob through a key hole.
Slick as an eel.
Slicker than a chased greased hog.
Full as a tick.
Fat as a tub o lard.
Ol' boy's tough as whit leather.
He ran like a scalded dog.
Rough as a cob.
Just as happy as if he had good sense.
Cold as a well digger's tail.
So dull he couldn't cut hot butter with a knife.
Crazier than a run over dog.
Tougher than a one eared alley cat.
Scared my mule ( when something really startled them )
Faster than greased lightning.
Better than snuff, ain't half as dusty.
She's limber as a dishrag.
Nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full o' rocking chairs.
So ugly she'd run a dog off a meat wagon.
Took off like Moody's goose.
As scarce as hen's teeth.
Purty as a speckled pup.
Sorry as a two dollar watch.
Plumb tuckered out.
Older than the mountains and got twice as much dust.
That's a gracious plenty ( when being offered something)
In all my born days. . .
how to speak southern.
(i just picked a few...)
Afar: In a state of combustion. "Call the far department. That house is afar."
Best: Another baffling Southernism that is usually couched in the negative. "You best not speak to Bob about his car. He just had to spend $300 on it."
Fetchin': Attractive. "That's a mighty fetchin' woman. Think I'll ask her to daints."
Fixin' to: About to. "I'm fixin' to go to the store."
Hush yo' mouth: An expression of pleased embarrassment, as when a Southern female is paid an extravagant compliment. "Honey, you're 'bout the sweetest, best-lookin' woman in Tennessee. Now hush yo' mouth, Jim Bob."
Ill: Angry, testy. "What's wrong with Molly today? She's ill as a hornet."
Pick at: To pester and annoy. "Jimmy, Ah told you not to pick at your little sister."
Sass: Another Elizabethan term derived from the word saucy, meaning to speak in an impertinent manner. "Don't sass me, young lady. You're not too old to get a whippin'."
Supper: The evening meal Southererners are having while Yankees are having dinner. "What's for supper, honey?
Wear out: An expression used to describe a highly-effective method of behavior modification in children. "When Ah get ahold of that boy, Ah'm gonna wear him out."
Yungins: Also spelled younguns, meaning young ones. "Ah want all you yungins in bed in five minutes."